Selected current projects

We are currently working on about 25 projects (including ancillary activities) and several other contract research tasks. For a better understanding of our activities, we select some of them, while there are also complete lists of current and past projects.

Quantum Materials for Applications in Sustainable Technologies "QM4ST" - Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic, P JAC, Priority 1 – Excellent Research. Co-financed by the European Union, October 1, 2023 - June 30, 2028.

The project focuses on studying materials exhibiting entirely new properties explainable by quantum physics. The properties of these materials are influenced by quantum phenomena occurring at the atomic and subatomic levels, such as electrons and photons. These phenomena affect the behavior of materials on a macroscopic scale, manifesting in their unusual characteristics. Examples of such materials include superconductors capable of conducting electric current without any resistance or topological insulators that act as insulators inside but conduct electricity on the surface. Quantum materials will find applications not only in quantum computers, quantum cryptography, unique sensors, integrated circuits, or energy-efficient electronic devices but also in the fields of medicine and advanced biotechnologies. They may also play a crucial role in emission-free technologies.

MEBIOSYS - Mechanical Engineering of Biological and Bioinspired Systems - P JAC Excellent Research - Co-funded by EU - Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports - 01/09/2023 — 30/06/2028

The aim of the project is to strengthen international collaboration, develop a team, and conduct cutting-edge research to develop a new generation of ground-breaking engineering products resulting from the convergence of biological and technological evolution.

SENDISO - Sensors and Detectors for the Information Society of the Future - OP JAK - Priority 1 - Research and Development - CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004596 - 01/2024 - 06/2028

"Sensors and Detectors for the Information Society" (SenDISo) combines various research areas into one interdisciplinary program. Its goal is to create new tools for research in biology and improve diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring in medicine. It also focuses on environmental monitoring and quality control in industry. The main focus of the program is the development of new sensors and detectors using physical methods and materials.

TWISTnSHINE - New Quantum Properties Using Structured Light in the Interaction between Radiation and Matter - ERC CZ - Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports - 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2025

The project explores quantum technologies and the utilization of special properties of light that can affect the state of electrons in certain materials. The Czech-French research team will specifically investigate the materials' chirality, which occurs in physical objects that are not identical to their mirror image. Simply put, it can be imagined as the difference between the left and right hand.

European spectroscopic laboratory for modeling the materials of the future - "EUSpecLab" - European Commision Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), 1.9.2022 - 31.8.2026

Thanks to the call of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA), we are implementing, together with our European partners, a new doctoral program. EUSpecLab will train students in spectroscopy, artificial intelligence, machine learning, material modeling, software development and other fields relevant to industry.

National Competence Center for Mechanical Engineering - TA ČR - 01/01/2023 – 31/12/2028, TN02000018

NCKS will focus on research, development, and innovation activities necessary to increase the competitiveness of the Czech engineering industry in the field of medium and light engineering. NCKS will address key topics significant for future innovations in machinery and equipment.

TRANS-SAFE (HE) - “Transforming Road Safety in Africa” - Horizon Europe calls - grant agreement No 101069525 - 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2026

The project aims to enhance transportation safety in African countries.

READEL - Reactors for Rapid Adaptation of New Electrochemical Technologies - FW06010097 - TA ČR

The main goal of the project is the development of easily adjustable clusters of plate reactors to expedite the commercialization of newly developed electrochemical technologies.

2023 – 2025 MEDEPOZ – Methodology for rapid non-contact and non-destructive detection of gunshot residues (MVČR / OPSEC)

Advanced architecture of graphene electrodes for proton exchange membrane fuel cells - TA ČR DELTA - project No. TM05000013

The project aims to develop a lightweight PEM fuel cell that can efficiently generate energy at low temperatures.

Research projects and orders
