
We are one team

We support each other. Through our personal actions, we try to create a place for each individual that is inspiring and contributes to professional and personal development. We support diversity and do not tolerate any discrimination. Meet our researchers.

Mgr. Petr Kavalíř, Ph.D., MBA

NTC Director

+420 776 368 660



tel.: +420 377 634 771

Prof. Dr. Ján Minár has been working at NTC since 2017, leading the team of Research of Advanced Materials, and is a major foreign worker in the CEDAMNF project within the call Excellent research team in the OP RDE program.
He studied theoretical and physical chemistry at the Technical University in Bratislava. In 2003 he received his doctorate from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. After a year of postdoctoral studies at the research center in Forschungszentrum Jülich, he returned to the Munich LMU, where he also received his habilitation in 2012. In 2018, he obtained a habilitation at the University of West Bohemia, Pilsen in the field of Applied Physics, where he also received a professorship last year. In NTC he focuses on the development of theoretical methods for the description of the electronic structure of solids and the interpretation of experimental electron spectra. He built a top workplace focused on spin-angle-resolved photoemission (SARPES laboratory) and on the study and design of advanced materials with new functionalities.

He significantly participated in the experimental work, which dealt with the characterization of the properties of so-called topological insulators, ie materials that conduct electricity only on the surface and otherwise behave as insulators. The results of the research were published in the prestigious journal Nature.




tel.: +420 377 634 720

Prof. Ing. Milan Honner, Ph.D. leads the Infrared Technologies team. Milan Honner´s entire professional career is focused on applied research in this field. The results of the research, in which professor Honner participated, were applied in more than a hundred industrial companies and research organizations in the Czech Republic and abroad for instance in KIEKERT-CS, ŠKODA AUTO a.s...His research relates to industrial technologies for volume and surface treatment of materials, especially with the use of lasers, measuring systems based on IR detectors for thermo-diagnostics of machine mechanisms, thermographic methods for quantitative measurement of temperature fields, and heat transfer in various technical and non-technical systems, materials with photo-thermal functional properties for heat-transfer by radiation and laboratory methods for measuring these properties. In connection with the COVID19 pandemic, he with his team also turned their attention to research on measuring people's temperature with IR cameras.



tel.: +420 377 634 707

Jan Sedláček leads the Modeling and Simulation in Technical Systems team. The team focuses mainly on theoretical analyzes, but they also run an experimental laboratory. Analyzes include single and multiphase flow, heat transfer, strength problems, and dynamic phenomena or extreme loading. It is often a solution to multi-physics problems. Of all the NTC teams, doctor Sedlacek´s department is most focused on cooperation with industry and contract research projects. The team cooperates for example with ZF Engineering Pilsen, ČEZ, Wikov - The Industrial Gearboxes, ŠKODA AUTO a.s., ŠKODA JS…
Jan Sedláček graduated from the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, where he also received his doctorate. He completed an internship at the University of Genova and Siemens AG Berlin. He has been working on NTC since the establishment of the center.
Jan Sedláček sees the area of ​​research he is dealing with as very progressive. This is mainly the area of ​​numerical simulations, where the research team noted an increased demand for more complex and larger models, as well as the concept of digital twins. A novelty of the department is a new method for the simulation of multiphase SPH flows.




+420 377 634 744

The team of Miloš Svoboda - Engineering of Electrochemical Processes (IEP) deals mainly with the development of innovative types of redox flow batteries, which enable safe, efficient, and long-term storage of large volumes of electricity. He and his team are involved in the EU #Horizon2020 project - HIGREEW.
His team also deals with defectoscopic analysis of materials using Xraymicrotomography, which is a frequent subject of contract research, in which they cooperate for instance with ZF Engineering Pilsen, Valeo Žebrák, Johnson Matthey...
He remained faithful to the family tradition and like his father he studied chemistry, particularly at the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague (UCT Prague) - chemical engineering. In 2014, he completed an internship in the USA at the University of Notre Dame by Professor Hsueh-Chia Chang, focused on ion exchange systems at the microscale. If Miloš Svoboda is not involved in work, family, or sports, you will probably meet him at the shooting range. He is particularly interested in the topic of dynamic shooting or shooting under difficult conditions.



tel.: +420 377 836

Jan Vychytil deals with the development of virtual human body models in impact biomechanics and leads the HBM team. He specializes mainly in the field of traffic safety. The main application is the prediction of injuries in various scenarios of traffic accidents through computer simulations. But it doesn't have to be just traffic accidents, he also took part in research concerning the death of former CZ diplomat Jan Masaryk, for example. The HBM team has long-term cooperation with MECAS ESI, FN Plzeň, and ÚPMD Praha. Jan Vychytil is a member of the Society of Automotive Engineers. Honza received his doctorate in 2009 in the field of continuum mechanics. "During my Ph.D. studies, I took an internship in the company FirstNumerics in Wales. Thanks to this internship, I gained experience in R&D in the commercial sphere, met friends from abroad, whom we meet today, and learned to cook," he says. When asked if he wanted to be a researcher from an early age, Honza answers: “As a boy, I wanted to be a fisherman. I thought sitting by a pond with a rod was a job. When it turned out not to be the case, my path to research led me through not the best school marks in physics...Transformation into a study type happened at the end of high school."




tel: +420 377 634 808

Ing. Tomáš Kovářík, Ph.D. is engaged in research in the field of chemistry of materials with a focus on hierarchically porous inorganic composites. The aim of his research is to modify the material with various non-toxic nano/micro-particles and thus achieve improved structural and surface properties.
The team of Chemical Processes and Biomaterials (CPB) he leads focuses on hybrid techniques for the preparation of aluminosilicate foams, porous bioglass by the sol-gel method, preparation, and characterization of nanodispersions of carbon nanoparticles. It also focuses on the study of thermal stability of materials using STA: TGA / DSC thermal analyzes. Due to research topics and joint publishing activities, Tomáš especially appreciates the cooperation with the Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals CAS, v. v. i. A significant milestone for the CPB department in the field of biomaterials was the establishment of cooperation with the University Hospital Regensburg and the project Mategra.
"I was very inspired by a several-month internship at the University of Bremen. At the" Advanced Ceramics "department, where I focused on the incorporation of nanodiamond particles into porous hydroxyapatite foams," he says.