

"SPIE congratulates the LabIR Edu project on winning the 2020 SPIE Education Outreach Grant. As part of its awareness mission, SPIE provides support for field educational activities related to optics and photonics. “Tasha Chicovsky, Community Outreach Lead, SPIE

"The most important output of mutually beneficial cooperation is the hybrid scalable human biomechanical model - Virthuman, designed to assess the risk of injury during a traffic accident. We are extremely satisfied with the cooperation because it has lasted for more than 20 years." Karel Luňáček, Managing Director Eastern Europe, ESI Group

"We develop highly efficient redox flow batteries from the laboratory to the industrial scale. We emphasize the safety, efficiency and longevity of our systems. The low internal resistance electrochemical bundles that form the heart of our batteries are based on NTC know-how." Jiří Vrána, Co-founder of Pilnflow Energy Storage, s.r.o.

Overview of NTC results up to 2020

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